An Irish Blessing, Trad. aus Irland
A little big wonder, Text/Musik: Micha Keding<
All the time, Text/Musik: Joakim Arenius
Amen, Trad.
Amazing Grace, Trad. aus Amerika
Awesome God, Text/Musik: Rich Mullins
Bless the Lord, Matt Redmann
Come into his presence, Text/Musik: Ruthild Wilson
Going up yonder, Text/Musik: Walter Hawkins
Give Thanks
Heavenly Peace, Text/Musik: Hans Christian Jochimsen
Higher and higher, C. Smith, G. Jackson R. Miker
Holy, Text/Musik: Tore W.-Aas
I believe, Micha Keding
I got joy, Danny Plett/ Armin Müller-Arno
I heard the voice, Edwin Hawkins Singers
In your arms, Text: Calvin Bridges, Musik: Tore W. Aas
In this house, Text/Musik: Richard Smallwood
I will extol, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
I will follow him, Text: Franck Pourcel&Paul Mauriat
Jesus is alive, Text/Musik Ron Kenoly
Joy to my soul, Text/Musik: Tore W.-Aas
Lay your burdens down, Text/Musik: Danny Plett
Lord forgive us, Text/Musik: Tom D. Blakely
Lord hold me, Text/Musik: H.C. Jochimsen
May the Lord send angels, Text: Ruthild Wilson, Musik: Hein Helmut Jost-Naujoks
My Desire, Kirk Franklin
My God, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
Nada te turbe, Theresa von Avila
Never let me go, Text/Musik: Tore W.-Aas
Nobody like Jesus, Text: Ruthild Wilson, Musik: Heinz-Helmut Jost-Naujoks
Oh happy day, Edwin Hawkins Singer
On the cross of calvary, Text/Musik: Tore W.-Aas
One of us, Text/Musik: Eric Bazillian
Please Lord take time, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
Praise his holy name, Text/Musik: Keith Hampton
Rain down, Text/Musik: Martin Smith& Stuart Garrard
Ride the chariot,
Seasons of Love, Text/Musik: Jonathan Larson
Shine your light, Text: Jan Groth/Tore W. Aas Musik: Tore W. Aas
Smile, Kirk Franklin
Soon and very soon, Trad.
Sing a new song, Text/Musik: Udo&Silke Zimmermann
The Lord never fails, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
The Privilege, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
The Road, Text/Musik: Danny Plett
This is the Lords doing, Text/Musik: Tore W.-Aas
This little light, Text/Musik: Harry Loes
Thy will be done, Text/Musik: Joakim Arenius
Ubi caretas
Viva la Vida
Who is like the Lord, Text/Musik: Hanjo Gaebler
Well, Fm gonna sing, Text/Musik: Lorenz Maierhofer
We are the world
We are changing the world, Text/Musik: Hans Christian Jochimsen
We pray, Text/Musik: Joakim Arenius
We will stay, H.C. Jochimsen
Will the circle be unbroken, Text: Ada R. Habershon, Musik: Chas. H. Gabriel
You’re not alone, H.C. Jochimsen